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World Cerebral Palsy Day is being celebrated today

Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day, which is a global observance that shines a spotlight on Cerebral Palsy (CP) and its impact on individuals, families, and communities. The day is celebrated every year on the 6th of October. This day serves as a platform to raise awareness about CP, support those living with the condition, and advocate for greater inclusion and understanding.
The theme for this year's World Cerebral Palsy Day is “Together Stronger.” The theme highlights the importance of unity, collaboration, and mutual support within the Cerebral Palsy community and beyond. It also emphasizes that when individuals, families, caregivers, and communities come together, they become a powerful force for positive change and inclusion.

Children and adults affected by cerebral palsy often face challenges that hinder their full participation in society. The day sheds light on the need for increased awareness, understanding, and support for those with CP.
With the vision to create awareness about Cerebral Palsy among the masses, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Social Justice is observing the World of Cerebral Palsy, through the institutions associated with it by conducting various events across the country.