Today is the last day for withdrawal of nominations for the first phase of Lok Sabha Elections and Assembly polls in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. The nominations were closed on Wednesday and the Scrutiny of papers was done on Thursday. In Bihar, the filing of papers for the four parliamentary seats of Gaya, Aurangabad, Nawada and Jamui in the first phase of Parliamentary Elections ended on Thursday. The scrutiny of nominations in the State is being held today. The last date for withdrawal of candidature in the State is the 2nd of April.
In the first phase, 102 Lok Sabha seats in 17 States including Bihar and four Union Territories will go to polls on the 19th of April. Simultaneously, single-phase polling for 32 Assembly constituencies of Sikkim and 60 Assembly constituencies in Arunachal Pradesh will also be held.
Among 17 States and four Union Territories going to polls in the first phase of Lok Sabha polls, single-phase elections are being held in Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Puducherry. The Election Commission of India extended the last date of nomination in Bihar due to the festival of Holi and Bihar Foundation Day.