Vice President and Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Jagdeep Dhankhar will inaugurate the newly constructed ‘Prerna Sthal’ on Sunday evening in the Parliament House complex. Speaker of Lok Sabha Om Birla, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Harivansh Narayan Singh and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Kiren Rijiju will also attend the inauguration. All the Members of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha have also been invited to the programme.
The ‘Prerna Sthal’ has been built in a way to ensure convenience of dignitaries and other visitors who will be able to see and pay tributes to the statues of great leaders and freedom fighters at one place inside the Parliament House Complex. An action plan has been made to make the life stories and messages of these great personalities available to the visitors through new technology so that they could get inspiration from them. Lawns and gardens have been laid around the Statues at ‘Prerna Sthal’. Here, dignitaries and visitors will be able to easily pay their tributes to them and also take inspiration from their lives through QR code. After the unveiling of the ‘Shilapatt’ during the inauguration programme, dignitaries will offer floral tributes to the Statues.