Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized the need for a cultural renaissance in the country by reconnecting with its rich heritage and classical languages. Speaking at the foundation stone-laying ceremony of Bhavan’s Nandlal Nuwal Centre of Indology in New Delhi today, the Vice President highlighted the interconnectedness of Indian knowledge and its global outlook, reiterating that India has always strived for peace and harmony.
Mr Dhankhar stressed the importance of preserving the nation’s ancient languages and literature. He encouraged the youth to take pride in the country’s culture and heritage, urging them to view history through an indigenous lens rather than relying on colonial narratives.
The Vice President expressed anguish over the misrepresentation of India’s history by colonial powers, who often dismissed the nation’s traditions as unscientific. He called for true decolonization, urging Indians to reclaim their narrative. This Centre of Indology will play a crucial role in preserving Indian culture and fostering awareness among citizens about governance and ancient principles of governance.