Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said that tribal society has a huge contribution in India’s economy. Tribal society is our identity. Mr Dhankhar was addressing a program organized on the occasion of World Sickle Cell Elimination Day in Dindori, Madhya Pradesh today. The Vice President said that the government is committed to the elimination of sickle cell disease, only then Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that when the country completes 100 years of its independence in 2047, the country will also be free from sickle cell disease.
He said that by including the treatment of sickle cell disease in Ayushman Card, the government has proved its resolve to eliminate this disease. He said that there are many special provisions for tribal communities in our Constitution, but in the last ten years, the government has left no stone unturned in implementing them. The Vice President called for stopping the misconceptions and propaganda related to this disease. He said that it is our collective responsibility to build a future in which this disease has no place. On this occasion, Mr Dhankhar announced the establishment of a herbal garden in the Vice President’s House. He said that the flora of Dindori and Madhya Pradesh will have a special place in this garden.
Vice President’s wife Smt. Sudesh Dhankar, Governor Mangubhai Patel, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav and ministers of state government were also present in this program.