The Karnataka minister for Scheduled Tribes Welfare, Youth Affairs and Sports B Nagendra tendered his resignation on Thursday (6th June 2024) to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in Bengaluru over the alleged fraudulent transactions in the accounts of Karnataka Maharshi Valmiki Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation Limited.
‘The fraudulent money transfer incident had came to light after an accounts superintendent in the Corporation, Chandrashekharan P died leaving behind a suicide note. This note revealed the unauthorised transfer of 187.3 crore rupees belonging to the Tribal Welfare Corporation.
‘Union Bank of India, which had the account of the Corporation, had lodged a formal complaint against the money transfer and the case was referred to CBI. The Karnataka State Government too has set up the Special Investigation Team to probe the allegations.
‘A BJP delegation led by the leader of the Opposition in Legislative Assembly R Ashok and party state President B Y Vijayendra had met the Governor today seeking his intervention to direct Chief Minister Siddaramaiah to seek the resignation of Minister B Nagendra.