In Uttarakhand, BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda addressed election rallies in Pithoragarh and Vikasnagar today. At Pithoragarh, rallying support for BJP candidate Ajay Tamta from the Almora parliamentary constituency, Mr. Nadda highlighted the tangible development witnessed in Uttarakhand over the past decade. He credited the BJP-led government, particularly Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for their relentless efforts in uplifting the State and the nation as a whole.
Accusing the Congress of corruption, Nadda emphasized the choice between BJP’s development-driven agenda and the alleged malpractices of other parties. He underscored the importance of this election as a referendum on competing visions for the country’s future.
Later at Vikasnagar in Dehradun, Nadda voiced similar sentiments while endorsing BJP’s Mala Rajya Lakshmi Shah for the Tehri parliamentary constituency. He lauded Prime Minister Modi’s leadership for ushering in a new era of politics centred on development rather than appeasement.