Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra Modi said that the country has decided to form a BJP-NDA government for the third time because of its good intentions and policies. The country has understood that the INDI alliance is communal and casteist . PM Modi said this while addressing a public meeting in Mirzapur today. He claimed that Samajwadi party and Congress people are dedicated to vote bank, whereas, he is dedicated to the poor, dalits and backward people of the country. Targeting Samajwadi party PM Modi said that law and order and the Samajwadi Party are opposite to each other. Samajwadi Party government used to look forward to the mafias as a part of the vote bank but under the Yogi Government, action is being taken against the mafias.
While addressing a public meeting in Mirzapur, UP CM and senior BJP leader Yogi Adityanath said that it is our fortune that we are seeing a new India under the leadership of PM Modi. It is moving towards becoming a global power. The borders have been secured in 10 years.
Later in the day, PM Modi will also address public meetings in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghosi and Bansgaon. On the other hand, Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav will address a political gathering in Salempur and Ballia today.