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US President Joe Biden interviewed by Special Counsel as part of its investigation into his handling of classified documents

US President Joe Biden has been interviewed by a Special Counsel as part of its investigation into his handling of classified documents. Spokesperson of the White House Counsel's Office, Ian Sams said that the interview was conducted at the White House over two days, starting from Sunday till Monday. It was personally carried out by Special Counsel Robert Hur, who was chosen by US Attorney General Merrick Garland to lead the investigation. Mr Hur was appointed after a separate investigation was launched into secret documents found at Donald Trump's home. According to reports, Hur's team is yet to decide whether to bring charges against Mr Biden. The interview raises the possibility that the special counsel’s investigation may be nearing its end.

The investigation began after Mr. Biden's attorneys found documents in November last year at his Delaware residence and in an office that he used after departing the vice-presidency. Under the Presidential Records Act, White House records are supposed to go to the National Archives once an administration ends, where they can be stored securely.