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November 14, 2024 12:45 PM


US House Speaker Mike Johnson wins Republican nomination after support from President-elect Trump

In the United States, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson has won Republican nomination to remain in the position. It comes after US President-elect Donald Trump appeared to have backed him during a meeting with House Republicans. Louisiana Republican, Johnson still must notch a majority of votes from the 435-person chamber during a public floor vote in early January that will keep him in a job. Multiple US media outlets projected that Republicans will win enough seats to retain control of the US House of Representatives, with the party securing at least 218 seats the threshold to maintain a majority in the 435-member chamber. So far, Republicans have flipped seven seats from Democrats, while Democrats have flipped six seats from Republicans, resulting in a tally of 218 to 208. Despite the victory, the Republican majority in the House will remain slim. Johnson, was elected House Speaker in a full chamber vote of 220-209, with unanimous Republican support, in October last year, after the historical ouster of Kevin McCarthy.