Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Prataprao Jadhav has said that India’s UPI payment system has become a global revolution in digital payment. He added that in the last month, UPI transactions worth 21.55 lakh crore rupees were processed. Mr Jadhav made these remarks while interacting with the Media about the Jandhan, Aadhar, and Mobile-JAM Trinity, in New Delhi today.
The Minister highlighted that a revolutionary initiative UPI under JAM has been adopted across various countries including France, UAE, Singapore, and Bhutan. He emphasized that JAM Trinity is a successful step in empowering the underprivileged through the integration of Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar, and Mobile. The Minister added that 54.19 crore bank accounts have been opened, with deposits amounting to 2.4 lakh crore rupees so far.
Highlighting the Direct Benefit Transfer initiative, the Minister said that the DBT is ensuring transparency and preventing leakages. He added that 40.81 lakh crore rupees has been transferred directly to beneficiaries’ accounts, resulting in savings of 3.5 lakh crore rupees so far. The Minister said that these initiatives are building a new India by fostering financial inclusion, a cashless economy, and the efficient, secure delivery of resources to those in need.