Senior BJP leader and Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today condemned yesterday’s incident where two BJP MPs were injured in the Parliament House complex. After meeting the injured MPs Pratap Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput today in the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, the Minister said, this incident is indecent and unpardonable. He accused Congress of jeopardizing democracy since the year 1975 saying that it is in Congress’s DNA to insult democracy. He said, the people will never tolerate this insult of democracy and Rahul Gandhi is not capable of holding the post of Leader of Opposition.
Talking about the two MPs’ health, Mr Chouhan said that the Doctor has said that they are under observation. He wished them a speedy recovery.
Ram Manohar Lohia Director Dr Ajay Shukla said that the MPs Pratap Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput are in better condition today. Addressing the media in New Delhi, Dr Shukla said that their blood pressure is under control and their CT scans and MRI reports have nothing significant. He added that Mr Rajput complained of dizziness, and Mr Sarangi is a heart patient, so both are currently kept under observation.