Union Minister of Civil Aviation Rammohan Naidu launched the guidelines for seaplane operation under RCS-UDAN in New Delhi today. The guidelines prioritize the safety and security of seaplane operations and clearly outline the responsibilities of each stakeholder, from the operators to the regulatory bodies.
The guidelines ensure seamless and efficient rollout of seaplane operations across the nation. On the occasion, Mr. Naidu said that the guidelines aim to connect remote areas of the country and make travel more accessible for all. He added that after the success of RCS-UDAN, the government is considering to propose RCS-UDAN 2.0 for the next 10 years.
The Union Minister said that the integration of seaplane into the existing aviation system will provide last-mile connectivity to the regions that have remained isolated due to geographical challenges. He added that this new mode of transportation will provide faster and more comfortable travel to these areas but also open up new avenues for economic growth, particularly in the tourism sector.
Mr. Naidu said that the country is uniquely positioned to leverage the potential of seaplane operations and the government is committed to unlocking the potential and transforming coastlines, rivers, lakes, and islands for connectivity, avenues of economic opportunity, and pathways to inclusive development.