The Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, is on a one day visit to Jharkhand, where she addressed a gathering of businessmen of Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industries on investment avenues in Eastern part of the country.
Ms. Sitharaman addressed the seminar on the topic of East Zone: Engine of growth for Viksit Bharat. She said that Jharkhand has great potential to turn into a manufacturing hub owing to its abundant mineral resources.
She also said that the unstable government in the state for over past so many years have resulted in poor growth and development of the state. Stating that the NDA government has devised a roadmap to bring several development schemes to the ground for giving exposure and providing ample opportunities of economic development of the State.
On the occasion, State BJP President and former CM of Jharkhand, Babulal Marandi said that their government if comes to power is committed to provide a fearless and Naxal free environment for infrastructure development in the State. Later in the day, Ms. Sitharaman will also address a public rally in Ranchi.