Typhoon Yagi, deemed Asia’s most powerful storm of the year, has caused widespread destruction across southern China and Southeast Asia over the past week, resulting in multiple deaths. In Vietnam, the death toll in the aftermath of Typhoon Yagi has risen to 254 as rescue workers continue to recover bodies from areas hit by landslides and flash floods. While floodwaters from the swollen Red River in the capital city of Hanoi have begun to recede, many neighbourhoods remain submerged.
After passing through China’s Hainan Island, Tropical Cyclone Yagi intensified into a super typhoon and made landfall in Vietnam on the 7th of September, unleashing heavy rains that triggered flash floods and landslides. The impact of the typhoon has also been felt across the region, with flooding and landslides reported in northern Thailand, Laos, and northeastern Myanmar. In Thailand, 10 deaths have been reported due to flooding and landslides. Meanwhile, in Myanmar, the army reported yesterday that at least 33 people have died across the country.