In a bid to conduct the ensuing Lok Sabha polls in a free, fair and transparent manner, the Chief Electoral Office of Tripura on Monday (8th April 2024) launched the Mission Violence Free Election 2024. The prime objective of this initiative is to ensure that there is no poll related violence.
Speaking on the occasion, chief secretary of Tripura, J.K. Sinha said that elections which are considered as festival of democracy will be celebrated in a real manner, when a time comes where there is no need of security force to conduct polls.
He said the anti-social elements should be dealt with in strictest manner.Director General of Police, Amitabh Ranjan said that since 1st March till date, 17 thousand people have been arrested. He said binding down of miscreants will help in improving the situation during the polls.
Chief Electoral Officer of Tripura Puneet Agrawal said that CAPF personnel will be deployed at all the polling stations in Tripura West and East Parliamentary constituencies. He expressed concern over the number of complaints reaching the Election Commission of India from Tripura. He asked the concerned authorities to act at once against the miscreants. He said taking action against the anti-social elements will prevent them from creating any nuisance during the day of polling.