In Tripura, Makar Sankranti festivities began today with traditional fervour and gaiety. People, all across the state, particularly in rural areas are celebrating Makar Sankranti with a holy dip in rivers and waterbodies in the wee hours, Surya Pranam and thereafter savouring feast with newly produced rice grains.
In many areas of the state, women folk have decorated their courtyards with Alpana or Rangoli art with a mix of rice-grain powder, water and other dyes.
The last day of Poush and the 1st day of Magh as per the Bengali calendar year, are also celebrated as the post-harvest festival in rural areas across the state. As part of the Sankranti, a traditional food festival with homemade Pithe-Puli-Payes, made from newly produced rice powder and date palm jaggery has begun.