In Telangana, the total number of voters reached over 3 crore 13 lakh after the Special Summary Revision this year, as the deadline for submission of claims and objections concluded. Of these, over one crore 57 lakh are male voters and over one crore 56 lakh are females, while 2 thousand 226 belong to the third gender. The office of Chief Electoral Officer informed in a release that the gender ratio of the electors after the special revision stands at a healthy 994 while the elector population ratio according to the electoral roll is pegged at 696.
Enrolment of young voters in the 18-19 years age group registered an increase of 234 percent and went up from 2.79 lakh as of January this year to 6.51 lakh this month. Gender ratio in this age group at 717 is creating concern among the authorities and the district election officers have been asked to make constant efforts to improve the ratio.
The CEO said all the applications received for change of names, objections and claims over the electoral lists will be disposed of before September 27, and the final roll will be published on 4th of october. The CEO further said, the eligible people can continue making applications for addition and deletion of names in the electoral rolls or for modification of details.