In Telangana, former DCP Radhakishan and another police official are being questioned by the police since Thursday in connection with a case relating to destroying certain computer systems and official data. The former DCP was part of the Commissioner’s Task Force, a wing of Hyderabad Police. DSP of the Special Intelligence Bureau, D Praneeth Rao was suspended earlier this month and arrested on charges of developing profiles of several persons and monitoring them secretly, without authorisation and illegally. He was accused of erasing intelligence information from various electronic gadgets during the regime of the previous BRS government. Two additional superintendents of police were also arrested on charges of colluding with Praneeth Rao. So far three police officials have been arrested in this connection.
Based on a complaint filed by an additional superintendent of police of the SIB, a case was registered against Praneeth Rao and others at Panjagutta police station in Hyderabad earlier this month on charges of criminal breach of trust by a public servant, causing the disappearance of evidence, and criminal conspiracy and other sections of IPC and IT Act-2000.
The police had also issued a lookout circular against former SIB chief T Prabhakar Rao and then deputy commissioner of police at the Commissioner’s Task Force P Radhakrishna and a senior executive of a Telugu TV channel. The lookout circular was issued against them as they were not available for investigation in the case and were allegedly not cooperating.