Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has directed the officials to be ready to introduce the Bill on the establishment of Telangana Skills University in the Budget session of the Assembly.
The Skills University to be set up in Hyderabad will offer 17 courses and train 20 thousand students every year with 2000 to be admitted in the first year. He stated this while holding a review meeting with the officials on starting the university this year itself.
Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka was also present at the meeting. An official release said, it was also decided that along with degree courses of three – four years duration, the university will offer one year diploma courses and certificate courses of three – four months. To start with, the courses that offer employment opportunities will be introduced in six sectors. Each course will have tie up with an established company in the respective field and the State government will enter into a MoU with the companies, to this effect.