Maharashtra’s Revenue Minister, Chandrashekhar Bawankule, said that the e-property cards under the Swamitva Yojana, will benefit 15,000 villages across the state. While addressing the media in Nagpur, he informed that the distribution has already started in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Bhandara, and Dhule districts.
Varsha Manglurkar, a beneficiary from Pavanar in the Wardha district of Maharashtra, shared that her family runs a restaurant in the area. With the help of the e-property card, they were able to secure a loan, which allowed them to expand their restaurant business.
(S/B- Varsha Manglurkar)
Another beneficiary Seema Kurudkar from Zadgaon expressed her plans to use the e-property card to obtain a loan. She hopes to provide a better education for her children and start a small business of her own.
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