Severe heatwave conditions continue to grip the North and North West region of India. With a consistent red-orange alert, The India Meteorologicial Department has forecast severe heatwave conditions very likely in most parts of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana-Chandigarh, West Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat till the next two to three days. Yesterday, highest Maximum temperature of 49 degree celsius recorded over Phalodi, West Rajasthan.
Meanwhile, The Depression lies over central Bay of Bengal and is very likely to intensify into a severe cyclonic storm by tonight. The India Meteorologicial Department said that heavy rainfall is likely over Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Konkan, Goa and Vidarbha for the next two days. The Weather department has advised fishermen not to venture into central Bay of Bengal till tomorrow and and North Bay of Bengal till Monday. Fishermen out at sea are advised to return to the coast.
In the National capital, Heatwave conditions and warm nights are forecast for today. The minimum and maximum temperatures are likely to hover around 31 and 44 degrees Celsius.