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Senior BJP leader P P Mukundan passes away in Kochi

Senior BJP leader and former member of the party's National Executive Council, P P Mukundan passed away at a private hospital in Kochi this morning. He was 77.

Mukundan served as the BJP's South India Organising Secretary, Kerala State Organising Secretary and also as the Managing Director of the party mouthpiece, Janmbabhoomi Malayalam daily. He is credited with making some serious efforts to strengthen the party base in the state.

The mortal remains of the BJP leader will be kept at the RSS office in Kochi for the public to pay homage. It will be taken to his native place, Kannur later this afternoon.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today expressed his grief at the demise of senior BJP leader  PP Mukundan. In a social media post, the Prime Minister said that PP Mukundan will be remembered for his simplicity and hard work.

Mr Modi also acknowledged his contribution in strengthening the BJP in Kerala. The Prime Minister said that people from all walks of life respected him for his intelligence and grassroots connection.