In Telangana, the electioneering has gained momentum with only about a week left to campaign for Lok Sabha Election in the State. Top leaders of major parties are lining up to the state to support their candidates. Senior BJP leader Amit Shah is coming to Telangana today to address three public meetings. He will arrive at the Begumpet Airport, in Hyderabad this afternoon to address a public meeting at Kagaznagar in Adilabad district and then address another public meeting at the Giriraj College grounds in Nizamabad. Mr. Shah will return to Hyderabad to address a public meeting at the Secunderabad Parade Grounds before leaving for West Bengal. Congress senior leader Rahul Gandhi will be electioneering in Nirmal to support Party candidates in North Telangana. Meanwhile, Chief Minister and PCC President Revanth Reddy stated that he will apologise to the people if any dues are left under the Rythu Bharosa scheme by the 9th of this month. He was responding to the challenge made by BRS chief Chandrasekhar Rao on this.
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