Minister of State for Women and Child Development, Savitri Thakur today launched the 100-day special outreach awareness campaign for woman empowerment in New Delhi. Addressing the inauguration session, Mrs Thakur said that despite a number of schemes, women often fail to avail benefits due to a lack of awareness and information. She noted that the outreach programme is specially designed to train block-level Asha and Anganwadi workers so they can spread information at the ground level. The Minister added that these 100 days would further be split into segments to periodically review the mission’s progress. She hoped that the data and knowledge gained from this campaign would be utilised on how to plan women-oriented schemes and campaigns for the next 5 years.
Talking to the media, Mrs Thakur said that an eight-member team will be set-up in every zone that will coordinate with the Centre for the execution of the awareness campaign.