In Bihar, the Rashtriya Janta Dal (RJD) has declared the list of 22 candidates after the completion of nomination process of two phases of Lok Sabha elections in the state. Six candidates of the party have already filed nomination papers from Gaya, Aurangabad, Jamui, Nawada, Banka and Purnia parliamentary constituencies. According to official list daughters of RJD chief Lalu Prasad, Misa Bharati will contest from Patliputra and Rohini Acharya from Saran constituency.
Former Union Minister Mohammed Ali Ashraf Fatami from Madhubani, Ritu Jaiswal from Sheohar, former MLA Vijay Kumar Shukla alias Munna Shukla from Vaishali and former state minister Sheo Chandra Ram from Hajipur are among prominent candidates. The state RJD Chief Jagdanand Singh’s son Sudhakar Singh will contest from Buxar parliamentary constituency. The RJD has not decided its nominee from Siwan parliamentary constituency.
Former party MP Mohammad Shahabuddin’s widow Hena Shahab has declared to contest this seat independently. Lalu Prasad led party is contesting on 23 Lok Sabha seat in the state. It has given three seats to Mukesh Sahni led Vikas Sheel Insaan Party (VIP) from its quota of 26 seats in a seat sharing agreement in the Grand Alliance.