The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released the ninth edition of its statistical publication, Handbook of Statistics on Indian States, 2023-24. This publication provides extensive data on regional economies across India, covering socio-demographics, health, state domestic product, agriculture, environment, industry, infrastructure, banking, and fiscal indicators. The data spans various time periods, from 1951 to 2024, offering valuable insights into India’s sub-national statistics.
In this latest edition, the RBI has updated existing data series and introduced eight new tables on key indicators. These include the Gender Parity Index of Gross Enrolment Ratio by levels of school education, Gross State Value Added (both current and constant prices), afforestation under different schemes, and state-wise data on average cold wave and heat wave days. Additionally, it includes information on the actual power supply position in states, the number of schools by management, and the availability of functional computer facilities in schools.