Indian Railways has operated 137 Kumbh special trains besides 349 regular trains to help devotees reach Prayagraj on the third day of the ongoing Mahakumbh. Indian Railways said it is planning to operate more than thirteen thousand trains during the 46-day-long Mahakumbh for the convenience of devotees. Out of these trains, more than ten thousand are regular trains and over three thousand are special trains. The Railways also said that it is operating more than five hundred trains on four different routes through a ring rail connecting Prayagraj. It added that 17 new permanent Yatri Ashrayas have been added, bringing the total number of Yatri Ashrayas at railway stations to 28, boosting the holding capacity to more than one lakh ten thousand. Besides, the Railways has also strengthened security for the ongoing Mahakumbh with the deployment of 5,900 security personnel, 764 new CCTV cameras, and drone surveillance.
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