Expenditure on Railways Safety-Related works increased from 1.78 lakh crore rupees during 2014 and 2024. Previously, the expenditure was 70,273 crore rupees in the period between 2004 and 2014. Indian Railways reiterated that it has implemented numerous safety measures over the years, leading to a significant improvement in the safety of train operations. A steep decline in the average number of consequential train accidents has been recorded in the last ten years in comparison to the corresponding period before that. In 2022-23, the government has extended Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh for another five years with Gross Budgetary Support of 45 thousand crore rupees. The Ministry said that the KAVACH system has been implemented on nearly one thousand 465 Route kilometres and 121 locomotives.
All locomotives are now equipped with Vigilance Control Devices to ensure the alertness of loco pilots, and GPS-based Fog Safety Devices have been provided to pilots in fog-affected areas. Bridge Management System, a web-based IT application has been developed to provide 24 into seven access to bridge information. The Ministry stated that several other new technologies for bridge inspection have been introduced including continuous water level monitoring, drone inspections, and 3D scanning of riverbeds.
Advanced technologies like the Online Monitoring of Rolling Stock System and Wheel Impact Load Detector have also been adopted for predictive maintenance.