In Punjab, under the Prime Minister YASASVI Scheme, students from Other Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Backward Classes (EBC) and Denotified and Nomadic Tribes (DNT) can now apply for the Post-Matric Scholarship.
Minister for Social Justice, Empowerment and Minorities, Dr. Baljit Kaur said that the Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship Portal of the state government has been opened for the students from these categories to apply for the academic year 2024-25, as per the guidelines.
The Minister highlighted that this is the first time a portal has been specifically opened for these categories of students. This will streamline the scholarship process by enabling eligible students to apply, ensuring accurate verification by institutions, obtaining approvals from authorities and timely disbursement of financial assistance.
Dr. Baljit Kaur informed me that the last date for students to apply for freeship cards under the 2024-25 scholarship process is February 15, 2025. Institutions must submit complete cases for approval by February 25th. She has directed all concerned to ensure the timely completion of applications by eligible students.