The Punjab & Haryana High Court today, dismissed the plea challenging the notification issued by the Election Commission of India to hold a by-election for Haryana’s Karnal constituency. The seat had fallen vacant on the 13th of March after former Chief Minister Manoharlal resigned. ECI had issued a notification to hold by poll in May along with the Loksabha polls in Haryana.
A division bench of Justice Sudhir Singh and Justice Harsh Bunger dismissed the petition which was listed for pronouncement today, however, a detailed order is awaited.
The new Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini from BJP is contesting from Karnal as he is not a member of the Legislative Assembly. A PIL was also filed challenging the appointment of Nayab Singh Saini as Haryana’s new Chief Minister. It was contended that Saini could not hold the position of Chief Minister without being a member of the Legislative Assembly of Haryana as such.
While listing the matter for the 30th of April, the Court asked the State and Union Governments whether Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini could run the government without being elected as a member of the Haryana State Assembly.