Puducherry recorded the highest percentage of women electors in the country in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, as per a comprehensive dataset released by the Election Commission of India. Out of the 10,23,699 electors, women constitute 5,42,979 – 53.03% of the total electorate, as per a press release issued by Puducherry Chief Electoral Officer P. Jawahar today. Notably, Mahe Assembly Segment made history with all 31 polling stations staffed exclusively by trained women officials.
The Union Territory also witnessed a significant rise in the Gender Ratio from 1127 in 2023 to 1130 in 2024. Inclusivity was a hallmark, with active participation from differently abled and transgender electors. Other highlights in ECI data include a 5.19% increase in registered electors, an increase in polling stations, postal ballots and nominations. Around 70% of the 151 registered transgender voters cast their votes and NOTA votes decreased from 12,199 in 2019 to 9763 in 2024, says the data. The Chief Electoral Officer encouraged researchers, policymakers, and election enthusiasts to explore these datasets, available on the ECI website, to deepen their understanding of electoral trends.