Congress General Secretary, Priyanka Gandhi held a road show at Saharanpur in favour of Congress candidate Imran Masood today. During the roadshow, Priyanka Gandhi said that this country worships truth and not power. Targeting the PM, she said that Mr. Modi worships power and not truth.
Priyanka said that the BJP government has always filled the pockets of the rich, while the poor got nothing. She said, BJP had also brought the Electoral Bond Scheme and it wanted to keep the names of this list confidential, but when the Supreme Court ordered to disclose the names, BJP’s secret was revealed.
She claimed that the wood business of the people of Saharanpur came to a halt in the Modi government. She appealed to the people to make SP-Congress alliance candidate Imran Masood win with a huge margin.
The voting in Saharanpur is scheduled in the first phase on April 19.