President Droupadi Murmu will embark on a five-day visit to Odisha starting tomorrow. During her visit, the President will unveil the new statue of Pandit Raghunath Murmu and visit Adim Owar Jarpa Jaher in Bhubaneswar. She will also offer prayers at Shri Jagannath Temple in Puri. The President will grace the 75th anniversary celebration of Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and attend the Navy Day celebration and operational demonstration at the Blue Flag Beach.
On 5th of December, the President will attend the 40th convocation of the Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology in Bhubaneswar. She will also inaugurate the new Judicial Court Complex at Bhubaneswar.
The following day, President Murmu will interact with students, teachers and villagers at Rairangpur. On the last day of her visit, the President will lay foundation stone for various projects including Bangiriposi-Gorumahisani, Buramara-Chakulia, and Badampahar-Kendujhargarh Rail Lines, the Tribal Research and Development Centre in Rairangpur, Dandbose Airport in Rairangpur, and the Sub-Divisional Hospital in Rairangpur.