President Droupadi Murmu has arrived at the Rashtrapati Nilayam in Bollarum on the outskirts of Hyderabad on a five-day Southern Sojourn. Earlier, Telangana Governor Jishnu Dev Varma, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, Minister Anasuya Seethakka, Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari and senior officials extended a warm welcome to the President at the Hakimpet Air Force Station on arrival.
The President will be inaugurating, and laying the foundation stone for various initiatives at Rashtrapati Nilayam tomorrow. The President will be presenting the President’s Colours to the College of Defence Management, Secunderabad on Friday. The President will be hosting an ‘At Home Reception’ at Rashtrapati Nilayam for the dignitaries of the state, leading citizens and academics on the same evening. This is the President’s third visit to Hyderabad for a southern sojourn since she was elected to the highest office in 2022.