Prasar Bharati Chairman Navneet Kumar Sehgal has said that it is our duty to make clean family entertainment reach all sections of society. Addressing the media after the launch of national broadcaster Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform ‘Waves,’ Mr. Sehgal informed that the platform will feature all the archival material of Doordarshan programs that people have grown up watching. He also said that regional cultural programs focusing on the history and rich cultural heritage of the country have also been brought to the platform.
Prasar Bharati CEO Gaurav Dwivedi said that the idea behind launching the OTT platform was to reach the maximum audience. Mr. Dwivedi also mentioned that as a national broadcaster, Prasar Bharati’s OTT will initially offer content in around twelve languages, with plans to include programs in all dialects. Mr. Dwivedi added that this medium, which is for all Indians, will be of immense use for people who have moved away from their roots but want to stay connected with their culture. He also informed that more than 10,000 films and 40,000 to 50,000 hours of content will be made available on WAVES OTT as of now. Shiv Sagar, the director of Kakbhushundi Ramayana, a new original show that premiered on DD National and will also be available on WAVES OTT, joined the conference and shared his insights on how the epic series will captivate young viewers. He explained that more than 350 versions of the Ramayana from all over the world were researched to create Kakbhushundi Ramayana.
The producer, cast, and crew of Fauji 2.0, a modern adaptation of the iconic 1980s Shah Rukh Khan show Fauji, were also present at the conference. Speaking about the new project, actor Gauahar Khan said that Fauji 2.0 focuses on the lives of people who represent and protect India.