In Odisha, polling in four Lok Sabha and 28 Assembly constituencies coming under these seats is going on peacefully today. Election officials reported a total voter turnout of 39.30 percent till 1 this afternoon. Long queues are being seen outside most of the polling booths where voting is progressing peacefully. Polling began at 7 this morning in Berhampur, Koraput, Nabarangpur and Kalahandi parliamentary constituencies, alongside 28 Assembly segments within their jurisdiction. Technical glitches in EVMs in a few polling booths were reported which delayed the polling.
The same were rectified soon. About 62 lakh 87 thousand eligible voters are expected to cast their vote for both Lok Sabha and Assemblyelections in the state. The fate of several heavyweights of the BJP, BJD and Congress will be decided in these four parliamentary seats and also assembly seats. The prominent candidates who are trying their luck in today’s Lok Sabha polls are Pradeep Panigrahy of BJP and BJD’s Bhrugu Baxi Patro from Berhampur, Saptagiri Ulaka of Congress from Koraput and Pradeep Majhi of BJD from Nabarangpur, while in the Assembly elections the fate of state Congress president Sarat Pattanayak, former Union Minister Bhakta Charan Das, Taraprasad Bahinipati and Bijay Patnaik of Congress, Jagannath Saraka, Dibya Shankar Mishra and Rajendra Dholkia of BJD and Pradipta Naik of BJP will be decided.