In Uttar Pradesh, campaigning has intensified for the last and final phase of Lok Sabha elections. Chief minister of Uttar Pradesh and senior BJP leader Yogi Adityanath today campaigned for film star and BJP nominee from Gorakhpur Ravi Kishan. Addressing a political rally in Kampiarganj area, Mr Yogi said that BJP government has done a lot for the poor and downtrodden and after the formation of Modi government third time in the Centre, people above the age of 70 years will be given separate Ayushman cards for 5 lakh rupees free cashless health treatment free. He will address another rally in Mirzapur today.
Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Keshav Prasad Maurya also addressed a rally in Bansgaon area of Gorakhpur district. On the other hand, Samajwadi party chief Akhilesh Yadav today came down heavily on BJP in a political rally in Kushinagar district. He alleged that BJP wants to change the constitution. Mr. Yadav along with Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi jointly addressed a political rally in Mohan Sarai area of Varanasi. They will also jointly address a Parivartan Sankalp Sabha in Bansgaon Loksabha constituency.