External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar said the PM Vishwakarma Project will play an important role in providing support to people engaged in traditional crafts. He said that Vishwakarmas have left a clear mark in preserving the culture and traditions of the country through their crafts. He was participating as the Chief Guest at the 'PM Vishwakarma' event in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. The event was organised by the Ministry of Railways and the Union Ministry of MSME. He also said that the Vishwakarma scheme will enable traditional artisans to go to the market and popularise their goods.
The Minister praised the hard work, dedication, and ability of traditional artisans to understand the minds of the people and produce handicraft products. He also said that the PM Vishwakarma scheme will not only provide financial assistance to Vishwakarmas but will also provide training and market opportunities. PM Vishwakarma scheme will also be a key component for other initiatives such as 'Vocal for Local', One District One Product', and 'Make in India'. Dr. S Jaishankar said that the crafts exhibition, held as part of the G20, showcased India's age-old culture to world leaders. This will benefit the tourism sector of the country, he said. The inauguration of the Vishwakarma Project at Yashobhoomi in Dwarka, New Delhi, by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, was broadcast live at the event.
In the PM Vishwakarma events at Lakshadweep and Kochi, Union Minister of State Smt. Darshana Jardosh and Coir Board Chairman Shri. D. Kuppuramu were the chief guests.