Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra Modi will be on a two-day visit to Bihar starting today. The Prime Minister will arrive in Patna this evening, where he will attend two separate programs. After his arrival in the capital city, he is scheduled to visit the residence of the late senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi at Rajendra Nagar in Patna to pay tribute to the departed soul. Sources said Mr. Modi is also scheduled to visit the BJP state headquarters in Patna and hold a meeting with party functionaries.
Site Admin | May 20, 2024 7:21 AM
PM & senior BJP leader Modi to be on two-day visit to Bihar
During his two-day itinerary in Bihar, the Prime Minister will stay at Raj Bhavan in Patna tonight.
Tomorrow, he will address two public meetings in Motihari in Purvi Champaran and Goriyakothi (गोरियाकोठी) in the Siwan parliamentary constituency in support of NDA candidates.
In view of the Prime Minister’s visit to Bihar, security has been beefed up in Patna, Motihari and Siwan.