Prime Minister and Senior BJP leader, Narendra Modi today said, the NDA Government has provided pucca houses, electricity connection, tapped water connection, gas connection and other facilities in tribal areas of the country. Addressing an election rally in Nandurbar, Maharashtra, he said, the NDA Government has constructed around 1.25 lakh pucca houses in Nandurbar under the PM Awas yojana and free ration for than 12 lakh people in the district to fight malnutrition. He also said that the NDA facilitated tapped water connection to more than 30 thousand villages in Maharashtra, including one hundred and eleven villages in difficult terrains of Nandurbar.
Mr. Modi said the NDA voted Droupadi Murmu to become the President and gave the country’s first President from tribal communities.
He attacked the Congress for neglecting the tribal areas of the country and diseases. He added that the NDA took significant efforts to fight the disease.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis and others were present at the rally.