Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched Mission Mausam to make the country a weather-ready and climate-smart nation. The launch took place during the celebrations of the 150th Foundation Day of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi.
Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that Mission Mausam is a testament to India’s commitment to building a sustainable and future-ready nation. Mr Modi praised the IMD’s 150-year journey, describing it as a glorious chapter of modern science and technology in the country. He highlighted that IMD has not only served millions of Indians but has also become a symbol of India’s scientific progress.
Prime Minister Modi highlighted that the ‘Early Warning for All’ initiative now covers over 90 per cent of the population. He noted that anyone can access weather information for the past and upcoming ten days at any time. The Prime Minister highlighted that real-time updates enhance safety and strengthen sectors like agriculture and the blue economy. He said, that to minimize the impact of natural disasters, the efficiency of meteorology must be maximize.
Prime Minister Modi highlighted that India’s meteorological advancements have strengthened its disaster management capacity, benefiting the entire world. He noted that India’s Flash Flood Guidance system provides information to Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Mr Modi added that India as Vishwa Bandhu, always stood first to help other countries during natural calamities. He expressed confidence that India will play a crucial role in global service and security.
Addressing the event, Union Minister of State for Earth Sciences, Dr Jitendra Singh, emphasized the significant advancements in India’s weather forecasting capabilities. He noted that there has been a 50 per cent improvement in forecast accuracy over the last decade.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi released Commemorative coin to mark the 150 years of IMD. He also released the IMD Vision-2047 document for weather resilience and climate change adaptation. It includes plans for weather forecasting, weather management, and climate change mitigation.
Our correspondent reports that Mission Mausam aims to achieve its target by developing cutting-edge weather surveillance technologies and systems. The initiative will implement high-resolution atmospheric observations, next-generation radars and satellites, and high-performance computers. It will also focus on improving the understanding of weather and climate processes and providing air quality data, which will help in strategizing weather management and intervention in the long run.