Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the ‘Utkarsh Odisha, Make-in-Odisha Conclave’ in Bhubaneswar today.‘Utkarsh Odisha’ is a flagship Global Investment Summit hosted by the Odisha government, aimed at positioning the state as a leading investment destination and industrial hub in India.
Speaking at the conclave, Prime Minister Modi said that Eastern India is the growth engine of the country, with Odisha playing a crucial role in this progress.
The Prime Minister emphasized that rapid growth is not possible solely through the export of raw materials and highlighted India’s efforts to overhaul the entire industrial ecosystem to reverse this trend.
Mr Modi reiterated the government’s commitment to building a vibrant ecosystem for research and innovation and urged industries to collaborate with the government in this endeavour.
Odisha aims to attract investments exceeding five lakh crore rupees through the two-day conclave, with job creation projected to increase by 3.5 lakh. The state is gearing up for a major industrial transformation, with the conclave focused on strengthening industrial infrastructure and positioning Odisha among the top five economic states in the country by 2036. More than 7,000 delegates, including envoys, investors, and industrialists from India and 12 other countries, are participating in the summit.