Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a one-day visit to Gujarat today. During his visit, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation Stone and dedicate to the Nation a slew of Railway projects worth over 85,000 crore rupees in Ahmedabad today. The Prime Minister will also flag off ten new Vande Bharat trains including Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central, Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam, Mysuru- Dr. MGR Central (Chennai), Patna- Lucknow, New Jalpaiguri-Patna, Puri-Visakhapatnam, Lucknow – Dehradun, Kalaburagi – Sir M Visvesvaraya Terminal Bengaluru, Ranchi-Varanasi, Khajuraho- Delhi (Nizamuddin). Mr. Modi will also flag off the extension of four existing Vande Bharat trains including the Ahmedabad-Jamnagar Vande Bharat which will be extended till Dwarka. Mr. Modi will then inaugurate the redeveloped Kochrab Ashram and launch the Master Plan of the Gandhi Ashram Memorial.
News On AIR | March 12, 2024 7:23 PM