Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a day-long visit to Pune in Maharashtra on Tuesday. Mr. Modi will perform darshan and pooja at Dagdusheth Mandir. The Prime Minister will be conferred Lokmanya Tilak National Award. The Award was constituted by Tilak Smarak Mandir Trust in 1983, to honour the legacy of Lokmanya Tilak. The award is given to people who have worked for the progress and development of the nation and whose contribution can only be looked upon as remarkable and extraordinary. It is presented every year on the 1st of August – Lokmanya Tilak’s death anniversary. Mr. Modi will become the 41st recipient of the award. It has previously been presented to luminaries such as Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Pranab Mukherjee, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Indira Gandhi, Dr. Manmohan Singh, N. R. Narayana Murthy, Dr. E. Sreedharan among others.
Mr Modi will flag off metro trains marking inauguration of services on completed sections of the two corridors of Pune Metro Phase I. These sections are from Phugewadi station to Civil Court station and Garware College station to Ruby Hall Clinic station. Foundation Stone of the project was laid by the Prime Minister in 2016. The new sections will connect important places of Pune city like Shivaji Nagar, Civil Court, Pune Municipal Corporation office, Pune RTO and Pune Railway Station. The inauguration is an important step towards realising the vision of the Prime Minister to provide the citizens with modern and environment-friendly mass rapid urban transport systems across the country. The design of some of the metro stations on the route draws inspiration from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
The Prime Minister will also inaugurate the Waste to Energy Plant under Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation. Developed at a cost of about 300 crore rupees, it will use up to about 2.5 lakh Metric Tonnes of waste annually to produce electricity.
Moving ahead towards the mission of achieving Housing for All, Mr. Modi will hand over more than 1280 houses constructed under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana by PCMC. He will also hand over more than 2650 PMAY houses constructed by Pune Municipal Corporation. The Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of around 1190 PMAY houses to be constructed by PCMC and of over 6400 houses constructed by Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority.