Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the All India Conference of Director Generals and Inspector Generals of Police in Bhubaneswar from tomorrow. The three day conference is being held from today, focuses on key aspects of national security, including Counter Terrorism, Left Wing Extremism, Coastal Security, New Criminal Laws, Narcotics among others. The President’s Police Medal for distinguished service will also be awarded during the Conference.
Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that Prime Minister has always demonstrated a deep interest in the Conference, encouraging an environment of open and informal discussions, allowing for the emergence of new ideas. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Principal Secretary to Prime Minister, PK Mishra are among the key attendees.
The Conference will provide an interactive platform for senior Police professionals and security administrators in the country to discuss and debate diverse national security-related issues. Its deliberations will include formulation and sharing of professional practices and processes in tackling challenges relating to crime control and law and order management, besides internal security threats.