Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that creation of eight crore new jobs in the last three to four years has silenced those spreading fake narratives about unemployment. Quoting a recent RBI report on employment figures, Mr Modi said, skill development and employment are needed in the country and his government is working in this direction. The Prime Minister said this while speaking at an event in Mumbai’s Goregaon suburb, where he inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of projects worth 29,000 crore rupees in road, railway, and port sectors.
The Prime Minister asserted that his aim is to make Maharashtra the world’s big financial powerhouse and to make Mumbai a global fintech capital. Mr Modi pointed out that the upcoming infrastructure projects in and around Mumbai will boost connectivity of the city with nearby areas, which ensures better facilities as well as safety for women. He said, the Centre has also approved 76,000 crore rupees Vadhavan port in Dahanu in Palghar, which will generate 10 lakh jobs.