BJP Leader and Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri has said that today, all the policies are being implemented by the government with a view to benefitting the citizens, the country and the world.
Briefing the media in New Delhi, Mr. Puri said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led India brings Growth, Global Goods and Gratitude. He said the change that people are witnessing in the foreign policy, trade policy and in the entire economic system and the new arrangements which are coming into being in the last nine years has been extraordinary. He said, India has been making big strides since the last nine years not only on the domestic front but also on the global fora. Mr Puri said, the stature of India, today, has risen in an unparalleled way. He said, many surveys by global institutions like World Bank and IMF, describe India as the bright spot in the world economy.
The Minister said, notably, large parts of the world, including the US, western Europe and Japan are witnessing growth rates in the close vicinity of one per cent. He said, for India, the projected growth for the year 2023-24 stands at around 6.5 per cent. Mr. Puri said, a five trillion dollar economy by 2025-26, which people doubted, is looking at us and a 10 trillion dollar economy by 2030 is again no longer a matter of debate or disagreement. He said, a leader and a country led by a leader with broad shoulders will be judged not how the country fares in normal times but how a country responds to challenges.
The Minister said, the pandemic challenge was once in a lifetime challenge. He said, the pandemic which people had to face in the beginning of 2020 was more like the Spanish flu of 1918, resulting in the devastation of an unprecedented order. Mr Puri said, today, India is a country which is capable of heavy lifting and it showed that capacity during the Turkey earthquake. He said, at that time, Prime Minister was travelling abroad but still the instructions came very soon and India was one of the first countries to send not just relief assistance but sizeable relief assistance there, both in terms of helping at the local levels, rescuing people and ensuring the supply of other necessary things. The Minister said, Such has been the approach of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India is moving ahead with a humanitarian approach.