Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting in New Delhi on Sunday to review the preparedness for cyclone “Remal” over North Bay of Bengal. During the meeting, he was briefed that the National Crisis Management Committee is in regular touch with the Government of West Bengal. All fishermen have been advised not to venture into South Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. Around one lakh people are being moved to safer places.
IMD is also extending information support to Bangladesh with regular updates.
During the meeting, Prime Minister Modi said that the Central government has extended full support to the State Government and must continue to do so. He said that the Ministry of Home Affairs should monitor the situation and take a review after the landfall of the cyclone in order to extend necessary assistance for restoration. The Prime Minister has instructed that apart from 12 NDRF teams that have already been deployed in West Bengal and one in Odisha, more teams be kept on standby which can move within one hour. The Indian Coast Guard to deploy its assets for any emergency. He said the Ports, Railways and Highways be kept on high vigil to avoid any untoward incidents.
As per India Meteorological Department, IMD forecasts, the cyclonic storm is likely to cross Bangladesh and adjoining West Bengal coasts between Sagar islands and Khepupara, close to South west of Mongla, Bangladesh by midnight of today and is likely to cause rainfall in West Bengal and Northeastern States.
Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Dr P K Mishra, Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba, Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla, DG NDRF, DG, IMD and Member Secretary, NDMA were also present in the meeting.