Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired the fourth National Conference of Chief Secretaries in New Delhi today. The three-day conference, which began on Friday, focused on the evolution and implementation of a common development agenda and a blueprint for cohesive action in partnership with the states.
In a social media post, Mr. Modi said the Chief Secretaries Conference is a vital platform for collaboration between the Centre and states to boost good governance. He said, during the conference, the discussions were focused on furthering growth, ensuring effective governance, and enhancing service delivery to citizens. Prime Minister Modi said the meeting also focused on how to boost infrastructure and leverage technology for better governance.
The aim of the conference was to further strengthen the partnership between the Centre and the State Governments, with a focus on enhancing cooperative federalism and ensuring better coordination to achieve faster growth and development. Chief Secretaries, senior officials of all States and Union Territories, and domain experts, among others, attended the Conference.
The Conference of Chief Secretaries has been a key initiative driven by Prime Minister Modi’s vision of fostering stronger collaboration between the Centre and States. The conference focused on the theme ‘Promoting Entrepreneurship, Employment, and Skilling—Leveraging the Demographic Dividend,’ covering best practices and strategies for states and union territories to follow.